Premi per la ricerca

Ricerca Premi per la ricerca

Foto DocenteTRIGGIANI Massimo
Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e Odontoiatria “Scuola Medica Salernitana”/DIPMED
Pharmacia Allergy Research Foundation Award
Pharmacia Allergy Research Foundation (PhARF) was founded in 1987 to honor the 20th anniversary of the discovery of IgE, one of the most important discoveries in understanding allergy and allergic diseases, and is sponsored by Pharmacia Diagnostics, the world-leading company in the field of in vitro allergy diagnostics.The objective of PhARF is to encourage progress in allergy research internationally by annually offering an Award to a young scientist, less than 40 years of age, who has made outstanding contribution to the field of IgE-associated diseases through creative and independent research efforts. The scientific achievements of the candidate should have contributed to a better understanding of allergic inflammation, as well as to improved diagnostic procedures and treatment, resulting in optimal patient management. Currently, the Award amounts to USD 50,000. The winner is chosen every year by a Scientific Committee comprised of distinguished, independent scientists in the field.
Pharmacia Allergy Research Foundation - Svezia
Basic research on mediators of allergic inflammation
  Fonte dati IRIS-RM